Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A Surfers Yoga

No one can deny the recent boom in surf-yoga retreats/holidays. If you have not experienced it yet, you cannot lie it sounds enchanting. It has been proven time and time again that surfing and yoga go hand in hand. Both affect the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels of human beings.

Every time I teach a yoga class after a surf lesson my students are amazed at how good their bodies feel. Even more so surprised at how much energy they regained. All day paddling out into the ocean, telling yourself to push because you are so close to passing the break. Then comes that perfect wave, rolling in at just the right angle. Paddle, paddle, paddle and when you reach the peak of the wave, just before it breaks you push against the board to pop up. Keep those legs bent and strong, while igniting the abs to keep your center of gravity. There is no wonder why surfers bodies are so cut.

Yoga practices many of the same muscle movements. Laying on the board paddling out is much like Locust Pose in yoga. Popping up on the board for the perfect ride is the same motion as Chaturanga and Cobra Pose. Finally, riding the wave is like doing Warrior Two on the board.

The benefit of yoga is the slowdown of the movements making the mind and body embrace, understand, and go deeper into the poses/movements. Yoga not only improves the body’s strength, but also flexibility to prevent injury, stamina to last longer in the ocean and catch more waves, balance to get up and remain on the board, and coordination to be able to maneuver the board as well as the body.

Not only is yoga about the asanas, it is largely about the mind and being able to control the mind. Yoga can help with the mental and emotional difficulties that can arise while surfing. Practicing yoga teaches the mind to be calm and relaxed so it can remain focussed. Some of the greatest loss of control of the mind comes after a massive wipe-out and the wave takes complete control. If the mind becomes scarred and freaks-out the body will follow. Arms and legs will start flailing about trying to fight the wave and getting nowhere. If the mind can remain calm the body will follow its lead. Let the arms wrap around the head for protection then simply let the body become one with the wave. Embrace the wave, soon it will end and all will be safe.

“Yoga is the method by which the restless mind is calmed and the energy directed into constructive channels.” -BKS Iyengar, Light on Yoga

To be a good yogi and a good surfer the mind must learn to tune all else out. How many times has professional surfers said that when they are surfing it is just them and the wave, nothing else exists. That is yoga, a surfers yoga. They have a connection to the ocean. They thrive off the energy of the ocean. Yoga is all about receiving energy from nature and others to in turn return that energy back to the universe. “There is divinity within [the yogi] and the energy which moves him is the same that moves the entire universe.” (BKS Iyengar, Light on Yoga).

To surfers that universal energy comes through the waves and becomes one with the surfer. Yoga can help that surfer remain present and aware in that moment, riding that perfect wave, and even deepening the experience.

Asanas/Poses to better one’s surfing:

  1.    Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)
  2.    Garudasana (Eagle Pose)
  3.    Shalabhasana (Locust Pose)
  4.    Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog)
  5.    Virabhadrasana 2 (Warrior 2)
  6.    Chaturanga Dandasana (Four Limbed Staff Pose)
  7.    Uttana Shishosana (Extended Puppy Pose)
  8.    Navasana (Boat Pose)
  9.    Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (One legged King Pigeon Pose)
  10. Ardha Pincha Mayurasana (Dolphin Pose)

This post goes out to all the goddesses out there. The women who aren’t afraid to be themselves, who stand up for what they believe in and who they are. To be true to yourself is one of the biggest nerve racking and ballsy thing a female can do. With all the opinions swarming around the world on how a woman should be, should act, should do. The only "should" a true woman need to listen to is she should be herself. 

To the women who defend for themselves, provide for themselves, and proud of themselves. To the mothers, the grandmothers, the business woman, the student, the artiest, and all in between. This day in age every woman is Wonder Woman. The  mother raising her children on while working to provide the life she wants for her kids, and still coming home to make dinner and care for the little rugrats. The grandmother who spoils her grandchildren while trying to instill the wisdom she has gained to them, and never missing a sporting event, to school fair, to recital. The business woman taking charge and dominating in a "man's world". Proving that women are just as good as men, if not better, and deserve equal treatment. To the student acquiring all the knowledge she can to be able to stand on her own two feet in the real world. She knows that knowledge is whats going to get her where she wants to go in life so she takes her studies seriously and works hard for her goals. To the artiest making all see the world in a new light outside the box. She lives her life authentically, on the edge, pushes the limits, she shows people the world through her eyes not the other way around. 

To the women who aren’t afraid to go for what they want, to live their life to the fullest despite what others might say. Everyone has an opinion on what a woman should be, the only one that matters is your own opinion. With so much photoshop and fakeness in the world girls in particular become confused that they have to be a certain unattainable way instead of their way. Be strong, be loving, be powerful, be proud, be you

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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Feet together with big toes touching and heals a sliver apart. 
Forward bend over the thighs, extending the ribcage to the front of the theigh. 
Release the hands and head down, grab the big tow if desired.
This pose stretches the hamstrings, calves, hips, and lumbar spine. It releases the lower back and calms the mind by bringing blood to the brain. It lowers blood pressure and oxygenates the central nervous system. This pose also stimulates the liver, kidneys, and abs while strengthening the thighs and knees.

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The Sumerian or Babylonian demon Goddess. She is probably best known in the Jewish legend as “The Dark Maid” or “Maiden of Desolation”. She is associated with owls and is a creature of the night.
In the Jewish legend she was taken as Adam’s first wife, but she refused to have sex with him because she did not want to be beneath him. She left him and was cursed to give birth to a hundred demon children each day who were then killed. In revenge she stole or killed human children.
Lilith is, however, still revered as a strong and independent Goddess. She is confident in her sexuality, refuses to be subordinate to the husband she was given to, and willingly left Paradise rather than submit to a man.

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 Day 14 May I Begin Yoga

#cranepose or crow pose
The body in this pose resembles that of a crane wading in a pool of water. This pose has two versions, one for beginners (crow) and one for advanced (crane).

In crow the elbows aww bent like in Chaturanga and he shins rest on the upper arms. In Crane pose the arms are completely straight and the knees rest up near the armpits. Though crane is considered to be the more challenging pose some may find it to be easier.

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Greek goddess who later in life was known by the name Persephone Queen of the Underworld. Kore and Demeter are thought as two faces of the same goddess, and with Persephone make up the triple goddess: Kore “the Maiden”, Demeter “Earth/Barley Mother”, and Persephone “Destroyer of Light”. The three all together make up the whole cycle of life from birth to death.

When Kore was still a girl Hades chose her to be his wife in the underworld, with permission from her father Zeus. Demeter was in such grief that she rejected the world of the gods to live among humankind. Due to her great sorrow, Demeter withheld her gift of fertility allowing no crops to grow. This made Zeus finally give the command that Hades return Kore to her mother, but it was too late Kore was bound to the Underworld.

In compromise Kore would spend one-third of the year in The Land of the Dead and two-thirds on Earth with her mother. This produces the seasons, for when Kore was in the Underworld a dark cd winter descended the earth. When Kore was home warm returned to the world and flower spring forth in joy.

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Sit on the center of the sitting bones. 
Extend the legs, wait her bent or straight in front of you. 
Allow the hands touch the floor on either side of the torso, or hands placed on the back of the thighs, then lifts the arms up to shoulder height.

This pose strengthens the abs, reduces far around the waist, and tones the kidneys. It is also great if you are feeling a little bloated.
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Roman goddess of marriage, pregnancy, and childbirth. She was the Queen of the Gods and part of the Capitolibe triad that also included Minerva and Jupiter. One of her titles was Lucino (meaning light) as she helped to bring children into the light of the world. She was also said to set and strengthen a child’s bones. Each Roman woman was said to possess her own Juno which represented her female spirit.

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Prasārita Pādōttānāsana

This pose stretches and strengthens the inner and back of the legs. The hamstrings and abs are fully developed. With the hands clasped behind the back and reaching for the ground, like in this variation, is a great extra stretch for the shoulder blades. It also creates more blood flow to the head and trunk, as well as lowers blood pressure. People who cannot do Sīrāsana can benefit from this pose, which increases digestive power.

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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Ancient Egyptian sky and mother goddess. She is the goddess of women, love, joy, music, dance, celebration, and beauty. She was known as “the Great One of Many Names” as her attributes and titles are so vast that she was important in every area of like and death. Even the Greeks identifies Her with their Aphrodite.
She is the “Mother of Mothers” as she was the goddess of women, fertility, children and childbirth. She had power over any woman problems from conception and childbirth, to health, beauty, and problems of the heart. Harthor guided both new borns and the newly dead to safety. At the birth of a child seven Hathors would come to give the child’s fate, and it is said she waited at the Gates of the West to welcom the dead with brerad and beer.
Hathor was the goddess of beauty and patron to the cosmetic arts, though, she was not concidered shallow or vain. She was simply confident of her own beauty and goodness, and loved all things beautiful and good. All women, especially in this day in age should take some notes from this ancient Egypian Goddess.
She was also the patron of music and dance, especially percussive music. Many of her priests were musicians, artisans, and dancers who greatly lifted the quality of life in ancient Egypt. They worshiped her through their artisan nature and through dance. Hathor was the incarnation of dance and sexuality, giving her the title of “Hand of God” (refering to the act of masturbation) and “Lady of the Vulva”.
She took many forms such as a women, goose, cat, lion, malachite, sycamore fig, but her most famous manifestation is as a cow. Even as she appears as a women she has either the ears of a cow or a pair of elegant horns.

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Utkata means powerful, fierce, uneven.
Feet are together and parallel, or desperate the feet apart for more stability. 
Sink hips down to sit at a 90 degree angle. 
Arms are stretched overhead.

This pose takes alway stiffness in the shoulders and corrects any minor deformities in the legs. It strengthens the ankles and the leg muscles develop evenly. The diaphragm is lifted up giving a nice massage to the heart. The abs and the back are toned, and the chest is becomes fully expanded. This pose is extra beneficial for horsemen.

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Sunday, May 10, 2015

I would like to dedicate this day of goddess to the #1 goddess in my life. My Mamma!
She is truly the strongest, most supportive, loving, and beautiful woman I know. She is passionate, courageous, and generous. When she sets her mind to something watch out because she will get it done with her own two hands.
She put up with me through my rough adolescent years and was by my side through all my ups and downs. She became my best friend as she drove me here, there, and pretty much everywhere so I could play volleyball. Whether it was practice or a tournament she was always there supporting me; and though I would bitch at her about how the team played or gave her “the evil eye” she always had my back.
No matter what I do or where I go, whether it’s going to an over night camp at merely 8-years-old or taking off to the unknown lands of Morocco, no matter how much it terrifies her she always believes in me. I could not as for anything more!

She taught me how to be brave, how to believe in myself, how to accomplish anything I set my mind two without relying on anyone else. She raised me strong and beautiful inside and out. She gave me my confidence, smarts, and sass. I don’t know who I would be without her. I am so proud and lucky that I got her spirit and beauty, and that I get to be her daughter.

Love you Momzy!

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Uttihita Trikonaāsana
Stand in a wide second position with legs 3-4 feet apart (the wider the stance the more of a stretch the hamstrings will feel, shorter stance will create more stability). Turn front leg from the hip socket 90 degrees to obtain heel to arch alignment. Bottom hand reaches to the floor under the bottom shoulder.

This pose strengthens the hips, groins, calves, hamstrings, chest, shoulders, and spine. It really opens up the side body while stimulating the abdominal organs. It relieves lower back pain and improves balance and focus.

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The Ancient Greek Goddess of the Earth, mother of all who nourishes and cares for her children and rings rich blessings. She is said to be the oldest of the gods and considered Mother Earth. From her came the creation of earth and the starry heavens. Gaea gave birth to the first race of gods (the Titans) as well as the first humans. This makes her know as the supreme goddess by gods and humans alike.
She presided over marriage and oaths and was honored as a prophetess. She was also an Underworld goddess who brought all her creations back to her and destroyed as well as created.

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This is a great pose for all yoga levels. It improves sense of balance, strengthens thighs, calves, ankles, and spine. It also stretches the groin, inner thighs, chest and shoulders. You want to avoid practicing this posture if suffering from migraines, insomnia, low or high blood pressure. It has helped those suffering from sciatica.

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Saturday, May 9, 2015


The Norse goddess of love and fertility, war and wealth. She presides over the afterlife, Folkvang, whose inhabitants she chooses from the warriors slain in battle. 

Freya is considered to be a bit of a “party girl” famous for her fondness of love, fertility, beauty, and material possessions. She is a passionate seeker of thrills and pleasure. Loki even once accused Freya of sleeping with all the gods and elves, including her brother. 

She brought seidr (most organized form of Norse magic) to the gods and therefore humans as well. It provided her with expertise in controlling and manipulating the desires, health, and prosperity of others. 

Her knowledge and power are almost unmatchable by anyone else. 

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Utthita Hasta Pādāngusthāsana

Utthita means extended. Hasta means the hand. Pādāngustha is the big toe. In this pose one stands on one leg while extending the other out front, holding the toe of the extended leg and eventually resting the head on the leg.
This pose strengthens the legs as the balance gives one steadiness and poise.

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