1.) Be whoever you want
No one knows you, where you come from, or the mistakes you have made. You can be anyone you want, reinvent yourself. You can be a yoga teacher from California, an art student from New York City, professional wiffle ball player, or cousins with Orlando Bloom. Though I would recommend not stretching the truth too far because with everyone’s life documented on social media someone will call you out. Be confident and have the skills to back yourself up and people will believe you. Back at home you might be the quiet wall flower no one seems to want to talk to, but elsewhere you can be the life of the party.
2.) Meet unique amazing people
3.) Live disconnected
One of the best parts about living in another country is the disconnection. You cannot bring all the luxury technology we as humans seem unable to live without with you. Having to leave your cell service behind is almost like stepping back in time before cell phones, laptops, and GPS. If you meet someone you simple hope your paths will cross again and especially hope to remember their name. If you make plans to meet up with someone you better be on time at the right place or all is lost. If you don’t know how to get somewhere better learn how to read a fold up map and fast. The best part is that you actually talk to other human beings and have deep meaningful intellectual conversations. You truly appreciate the world around you instead of your nose pressed to your phone screen or eyes glued to the TV screen.
4.) Appreciate home
Traveling and living in a completely different place and culture makes you appreciate what you have back home. I am not saying you get home sick I mean you realize the grass on the other side isn’t always fresh cut green. From my travels I have come to realize my great appreciation for employee rights and laws at home in America. I cannot count the number of times I thought what my employer did overseas would never fly in America. I now also greatly appreciate the wonders of basic sink faucet. Everyone has done the classy move coming home after an exhausting night out and sticking their head directly in the sink to take some cold tap water to the face (and hopefully some make it in the mouth). However, in many other countries drinking the tap water can give you diarrhea making water a constant concern as well as trips to the store.
5.) Learn about yourself
Going to live in another country with a completely unknown culture really puts you out of your comfort zone. Then you truly learn about yourself. You learn what you are capable of. You learn your strengths and you learn how far you can push yourself. You learn how to navigate around a place where you don’t speak the language and actually reach your destination. When you go outside your comfort zone and go on a crazy adventures you experience some of your life’s greatest highs and lowest lows. Always the highs overpower the lows. You discover that you can stay positive and push through the hard times no matter how long or low they might be. It might feel as if there are two yacht anchors holding you down under water but just keep swimming it will pass. Soon enough you will have a smile on your face again.